WATCH: Journey to Belonging - Billy Mink in the Immigration Hall at Pier 21
Posted on: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
In this next "Maritime Mink" Adventure, Captain Nemo sends Billy Mink to the Canadian Immigration Hall, inside Halifax's Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. Fresh from discovering the roots of his family tree, Billy discovers the big picture of Canada's immigration story - one that is still unfolding today. He explores the interactive museum, and even finds that some of his Kidoons friends have 'immigrated' into his story! While building a replica of his great-grandpa's green trunk, he finds a branch from the Secret Wreath, and gets sucked into his next episode!
Special note: This MOM (Multimedia Outreach Module) was the 2nd episode in a 2-part series developed in partnership with
The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
. It's part of a larger Nova Scotia story arc that features episodes created with the Nova Scotia Museum of Industry, the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, and the Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum.